Category reviews

Two Classical Edisons voor Celliste Lidy Blijdorp

Two classical Edisons

The cd ‘Journeyers’, debut-cd of cellist Lidy Blijdorp, received two classical Edisons. Lidy Blijdorp was awarded the audience prize and the debut prize for her cd.

diskotabel, Radio 4

Review Debut Cd in Diskotabel

Recording of Diskotabel, Radio 4: Lex Bohlmeijer asks the opinion of singer Maria-Riccarda Wesseling and flute-player Peter Verduyn Lunel about Lidy's debut cd - not telling them who is playing.

Volkskrant review

Review debut album De Volkskrant

‘Play Lidy Blijdorp’s debut album and be perplexed.’...
‘Her inspirator Anner Bylsma once compared music to Aladin’s wonder lamp. The world behind the notes, you had to rub it out. Blijdorp succeeds with flying colors for that tour de force.’...
‘From a hazy dream to a fierce attack: Blijdorp can do everything.’