Category streaming

Josef Suk, Elegie with a.o. Vera Beths, the Ragazze Quartet

Amsterdamse Cellobiënnale

During the Elegy to Anner Bylsma Lidy Blijdorp performed the Elegy by Joseph Suk with Vera Beths, Dirk Luijmes, Astrid Haring and the Ragazze quartet. During this concert Lidy also played the Elegy by Franz Listz and a Boccherini concert.
Lidy Blijdorp plays with Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra

Amsterdamse Cellobiënnale

The Cello Biennale took place online this year – with only Dutch players. Lidy Blijdorp played the opening with Thin Air by Calliope Tsoupaki. She also played the premiere of a new concert by Alexandre Kordzaia with the Asko Schönberg.